
Request Message Form


Please fill in the following form in detail, so that we can answer your questions and recommend suitable products and services

咨询项目类别 Category of inquiring projects *


咨询留言内容 Details of Request Message(最多1000字 Max. 1000 words) *

个人基本信息(Personal Information)

姓名(Name) *

性别(Sex) *


电话(Telephone) *

邮箱 (Email) *

出生日期(Date of Birth)
地址 (Address)
  • 省份
  • 城市
  • 区县

教育背景 (Education Background)

最高学历 (Highest Education)

毕业时间 (Graduation Date)
毕业学校 (School of Graduation)

所学专业 (Majors)

相关学习和工作履历 Relevant Studies and Works Experiences(最多1000字 Max. 1000 words) *

培训经历 Relevant Trainings(最多1000字 Max. 1000 words) *

Document Attachment(您的履历/运动相关照片等 - Your CV, Sports related photos, etc)
请上传小于50M的文件 Please Upload Files Smaller Than 50M